social circle

《social circle》怎以读

《social circle》是什么意思

  • 释义

    [地名] [美国] 索舍尔瑟克尔;

  • 英英释义

    Social circle

    • Social circles are groups of socially interconnected people. A Social circle is distinguished from a social pyramid in that there are two perspectives that can be used to describe a social circle: the perspective of an individual who is the locus of a particular group of socially interconnected people; and the aggregate perspective of a group of socially interconnected people, such as cohesive blocks.


    学习《social circle》怎么用


    Social Circle
    Social Circle
    Social Circle
    Mining User's Real Social Circle in Microblog
    Automatic Social Circle Detection Using Multi-View Clustering
    Automatic Social Circle Detection Using Multi-View Clustering
    The social circle heuristic: Fast and frugal decisions based on small samples
    Moving in social circles—social circle membership and performance implications
    Moving in social circles—social circle membership and performance implications
    Personalized Recommendation Combining User Interest and Social Circle
    Simulating large social networks in agent-based models: A social circle model
    Methods for verifying person's identity through person's social circle using person's photograph
    Systems for verifying person's identity through person's social circle using person's photograph
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